• Assisted building and grounds department in multiple office restructures.
  • Provided insight and guidance on the replacement of incorrect boilers and accompanying plumbing.
  • Served on the building security committee, and began the long overdue process of making the County building safe and secure for everyone.
  • Assisted the veteran’s affairs board in increasing counselor hours and providing a new space in the County building.
  • Initiated an effort to provide a county funded school resource officer
    As a part of the personnel committee assisted in the revamping of an outdated personnel policy.
  • Negotiated with multiple unions in an effort to make employee costs more equitable for both the County and the employees.
  • As Chairman appointed an EDC committee to begin the process of providing countywide broadband, and additionally encourage investment in our County.
  • As Chairman restructured our meeting setting and for transparency now make all meetings available on zoom and YouTube.
  • I have and will continue to be a spokesman for and an advocate of Alcona County